Turkey frees jailed pop star Gulsen Bayraktar Colakoglu
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An Istanbul court ordered release pending trial of one of Turkey´s biggest pop stars, after her jailing over controversial joke sparked an outcry among fans and government foes. Singer Gulsen Bayraktar Colakoglu (46_ who uses her first name on stage, was jailed last Thursday on charges of “inciting hatred.” Although she made joke on stage in April, it went viral on social media after being re-posted last week. A court on Monday ruled that Gulsen should be placed under house arrest pending trial, which could see Gulsen jailed for up to three years. “We are very happy about decision,” Gulsen´s lawyer Emek Emre said outside courtroom, while adding that placing his client under house arrest was “incompatible with law”.–Agencies
Published in The Daily National Courier, August, 30 2022
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