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Ramadhan is a very superior month in Islamic life. It is considered being blessed month by Muslins. It is run-through in ninth month of every Islamic Lunar calendar year. It is also very significant in Islamic life because it focus on fasting (sawm or siyam) observe from sunset to sunrise. Fasting is one of five pillars of Islam. Allah says in Quran Kareem:
“O Believers, You must fast in order to gain self-control. You are prescribed to keep fast for specific number of days.” (Surah 2:183-4).
Month helps Muslims to contribute to Allah’s blessings, to help poor and answer their needs, to repent for their sins, to make stronger their moral characters and to remember that all their glory goes to Allah. Besides, main purpose of Ramadhan fasting for Muslims is to purify soul, teach self-discipline, to sympathise with poor and hungry people, to develop self-control and Allah-consciousness. While Ramadhan fasting is understood by Muslims as being a mandatory for all healthy Muslims to fast according to Allah’s transcriptions in Holy Qur’an, there are exemptions for some people from fasting particularly if it is potentially harmful to their health. A person who observes fast refrains himself from eating, drinking, building sexual relationships and sinful acts. Month starts with sighting of crescent moon and consists of 29 or 30 days. Rendering to Islamic beliefs, devils are bound at start of this month, doors of heaven are opened and doors of hell are closed. According to Islam, fasting is not just to be hungry all day but to learn self-control, patience, sacrifice, Taqwa with spiritual and mental purification. Muslims excitedly wait for whole year to welcome month of blessings. Fast is closed by eating meal of suhoor and opened with an iftar meal. Both meals have their dua’s which are recited to do Niyyah for sehar and iftar.
DUA FOR SEHAR: I intend to keep fast for tomorrow in month of Ramadhan.
DUA FOR IFTAR: Oh, Allah! I fasted for you and believe in You and I put in my trust in You and I break my fast with Your Sustenance.
According to Muslims belief in this month reward is 70 times higher. One good deed gives 70 rewards. Musims also performs an additional prayer in this month after iftar which is known as “TARAWIH” in this prayer every night at a masjid Quran is recited throughout month of Ramadhan. Muslims must complete one Quran in this month.
Ramadhan secured its exceptional position in Islam. This is month in which Allah (SWT) had sent down first verses of Quran to Muhammad (SAW) on night of Lailat-ul-Qadar. It is believed that this night is one of odd nights from last 10 days of Ramadhan Kareem.
Laylat-ul-Qadar or Shab-e-Qadar is also known as night of Power, Value, Destiny and night of Measures has its enormous blessings. Allah Almighty grants forgiveness and bliss to His believers and followers of Muhammad (SAW) on this night.
As ALLAH says in Quran-e-Hakeem: “Surely, We sent it (Qur’an) down on Night of Ordainment. And what will make you know what Night of Ordainment is? Night of Ordainment is better than a thousand months. Angels and Spirit descend therein by their Lord’s leave for every affair. ~ Peace! It is until rising of dawn.”(Surat-al-Qadar)
“Ramadhan (is month) in which Qur’an was sent down as guidance for mankind containing clear signs which lead (to straight road) and distinguishing (truth from falsehood)..” (Q 2:185)
Prophet (SAW) said: “When month of Ramadhan starts, gates of heaven are opened and gates of Hell are closed and devils are chained.” (Imam Bukhari) Ramadhan gives a chance to redevelop your connection with Allah by fasting, offering prayers and avoiding bad doings for appreciation of Allah.
Ramadhan stretches a chance to redevelop your connection with Allah by fasting, offering prayers and avoiding bad activities for appreciation of Allah. Fasting for sake of Allah grants purification of Iman and being a Muslim, it’s your obligation. Fasting teaches self-control as you avoid to eat and drink while you have multiple food items in front of you. But you say no to them with no hesitation.
During fasting, you should avoid backbiting, anger and adverse thoughts. Ramadhan catchphrases from sinful acts like backbiting, insulting someone and fighting except for self-defense. Everyone can use fasting to develop his relation with Allah and Prophet (SAW) and to purify his soul from negative thoughts by changing negative aspects of his personality.
By fasting, you can feel pain of needy people and of those who do not have such blessings of Allah. And Ramahdan cannot be completed without helping others. In last ten days of Ramadhan, Muslims also perform I’tikaf, it is Islamic practice. Men stay at masjid for ten days and women stays at home. To perform this sunnah, Muslims dedicate themselves to “ibadah” and avoid all worldly affairs.
Holy month of Ramadhan comes to end with feast of Eid-ul-fitar. It is actually Allah’s reward for people who fast for whole month. On day of ‘Eid, it is prohibited to fast. Everyone wears a new dress and goes to masjid or open places to offer prayer of Eid-ul-Fitr. Multiple dishes are prepared at home to celebrate day of ‘Eid. People spend day with their family, friend and relatives.
Published in The Daily National Courier, April, 05 2023
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