The cause of Palestinian people and UN

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The brutal Israeli actions against Gaza civilian population has exposed the real face of the Israel which can be guaged from the hundreds of protests against the Israeli Govt the world over, especially in the US and European countries.
The cause of Palestinian people is becoming visible to the world at large. And now, it is clear from the approval of the resolution in the United Nations General Assembly on May 11 in favor of giving Palestine full membership in the United Nations that the brutal Israeli actions against the Palestinian people in Gaza for seven months have made the world aware that the forced establishment of the Israeli state on the land of the Palestinians with the collusion of the British and American governments 500 years ago was completely contrary to the requirements of justice. This fact is fully evident from the continuous demonstrations of students, while the historical record proves that the founding Zionist leaders of Israel themselves admitted that they had illegally seized the land of the Palestinians. In a letter from David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, to the president of the World Jewish Congress, Nahum Goldman, openly admits this truth, saying, "If I were an Arab leader, I would never compromise with Israel. This is a natural thing. We have taken away their land from them. Although it is true that we are related to Israel, that was two thousand years ago.
What does the Palestinians have to do with it? Yes, there have been anti-Jewish movements in the world, Nazis, Hitler etc but are the Palestinians responsible for those movements? They only see one thing: we came here and we stole their country. Why accept?" American researchers Prof. John and Prof. Stephen Walt have quoted this letter of David Ben Gurion in their book "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy". In the light of this historical reality, the real requirement of justice is to return the land to the Palestinians, but it is clear from the practical facts that this is not possible at least for now. However, the overwhelming majority of the international community is now openly supporting the full membership of the United Nations to Palestine in order to redress the rights of the Palestinians to some extent.
A clear demonstration of which has been done by 143 members of the world organization in the General Assembly by approving the resolution presented in favor of full membership of the United Nations to Palestine. Only 9 countries, including Israel and the United States, opposed the resolution, while 25 members did not participate in the referendum. The General Assembly of the United Nations recommended to the United Nations Security Council recognizing the eligibility of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations. It wants to support the resolution of Palestine becoming a permanent member of the United Nations. The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, said in his speech before the voting that we want peace, we want freedom.
A vote in support of this resolution is a vote for Palestinian existence, not against any state, it is an investment in peace. The comment of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the approval of the resolution that the world stands with Palestine is a reflection of the practical situation. The atmosphere that has been established in favor of Palestine at the international level, its impact on the American position was also seen in the General Assembly. After the vote, Deputy US Ambassador to the United Nations said that our vote does not reflect opposition to a Palestinian state. This goal can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties. However, instead of using the veto weapon in the Security Council in order to prove its good intentions, the United States has to move things forward positively in the light of the General Assembly resolution. It is good to see that the United Nations General Assembly approved the resolution to grant full membership to Palestine by a two-thirds majority, but some analysts say that there is no need to be too happy. They say that this vote only recognized Palestine's eligibility to become a full member of the United Nations and recommended full membership. Although this agreement may not give Palestine full membership of the United Nations, it will get some additional rights and privileges in September of the same year, which includes a seat among the members of the UN in the Assembly Hall, but the Palestinian representative sitting in this seat will not be able to vote in the House.
Palestine still only has observer status. There is no denying the importance of such a large number of votes in favor of the resolution. It is clear from this that the pressure of America and Israel failed. Seven months after the war between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip, the pressure of the Palestinians for full membership of the United Nations is clearly felt. Before the vote, Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour spoke, saying, "I can assure you, you and your country will be proud to stand up for the freedom of Palestine in the years to come, that you supported justice and peace in the dark hour". Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that, of course, this vote will not affect Gaza, but it is a symbolic victory and it is an important milestone for Palestine to achieve its status in the world arena. This resolution gives Palestine the right to discuss all issues not only related to Palestinians and the Middle East, to propose agenda items and to respond in debates, and to serve in the main committees of the Assembly and the inter-organizational meetings convened by the United Nations. It also allows participation in international conferences without the right of membership. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas first applied for UN membership in 2011. It failed because the Palestinians needed the support of nine of the 15 members of the Security Council, which could not be obtained.
They then went to the General Assembly and succeeded with a majority of more than two-thirds and upgraded their status from a UN observer to a non-member observer state. It opened the door for the Palestinian territories to join the United Nations and other international organizations, including the International Criminal Court. In a Security Council vote on April 18, the Palestinians received overwhelming support for full membership of the United Nations. There were 12 votes in favor, but the United States vetoed the resolution. One thinks it is better not to overstate the importance of this current resolution because it cannot do anything concrete to stop the suffering of the people in Gaza at this time. It is estimated that about 35,000 Palestinians have been martyred in the seven months of Israeli military terrorism in Gaza. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned on Friday that the Israeli attack on Gaza would cause a huge humanitarian catastrophe.