Significances of Internet

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The internet/cyberspace is an advancement of modern technology that has swept the world off its feet with its vast usage. Internet is defined as a global network of computers that provides information and communication platforms. it has become an important part of our life that we can’t live without it. Besides, the internet is an invention of high-end science and modern technology. Apart from that, we are connected to internet 24×7. It has various uses and billions of people use internet services worldwide. It has made human life very simple and easy. People can access many complex things easily with a few clicks.
Currently, e-commerce has become very popular all over the world. Because, anyone can buy anything online without visiting markets or shopping malls. It also plays an vital role in education field as students can easily get necessary information through internet. Internet is available in all villages, towns, cities in almost every country. Now it is also possible to access Internet through mobile phones. The internet has proved itself very useful tool in many ways, it has an opened gateway for people; it made it possible for us to communicate with people in any corner of the world.
Some people consider it as a blessing others regard it as a curse, because the internet like everything else in the world has a pros and cons. Internet is a very useful product in today’s world. It has become tremendously necessary for us in this world. There are multiple advantages of Internet communication. However, for the sake of clarity and brevity, we are here to list out few benefits of internet. Firstly, the internet can let a person communicate with people in virtually any part of the world through the World Wide Web, social media or e-mail, without having to leave his room. E-mail allowed peoples to communicate with minimum of times. Secondly, in addition to communication, providing access to the largest sources of information is one of the most important advantages the Internet offers us. There are multiple search engines that have made it easier for Internet users to find information. Thirdly, Business is a huge thing or the entire world. The business has been so exciting that one can operate a business worldwide staying at home. That has been possible due to the internet. With time, the number of online consumers is booming. Fourthly, Bank is the place where maximum use of this technology is being made. Use of banking software’s and applications is done through the internet that makes the work easiest. Moreover, Entertainment has always been an integral part of modern civilization. With the help of the Internet, the entertainment and show business industry has reached new heights, be it sport, movies, music, theater and all of the forms of entertainment have become very accessible. People can watch programs of their choice from any part of the world. With the help of the Internet. It is also helpful for career therapy, indorsing culture, industrial development, providing job amenities, spreads the power of public thoughts to improve governance and much more.
Apart from discussing the advantages of internet we cannot avoid the drawbacks of internet. As every picture has a dark side too. While making the life easier internet is also reflecting an uglier side to its existence through a number of problems that it has thrown up for its users. Here are some of the major shortcomings or drawbacks of the internet.
Addiction of internet is one of the biggest disadvantage of internet that impacts badly on the life of children and adults. some people spend a great amount of time on the Internet this affects their social interactions it can cause obesity and has in some cases led to some diseases it’s completely isolated you from the outside world, Second most important demerit of the internet is the theft of personal information. The internet contains everything and anything freely available. These chances pave way for misuse of information. This is one of the scariest disadvantages of internet. People’s identities are stolen and misused and at times. The young generation is indulging in online gaming zone. They waste their precious time in playing dangerous games. Internet has augmented the rate of E commerce and frauds in business sectors. With the increase in technology particularly internet the world is facing a grave issue of online harassment of women. It has snatched our peace of mind, comfort and has increased hesitation. The rate of inferiority complex is increasing due to internet because it portrays things beyond reality. It has also increased the generation gap. Terrorism is increasing due to internet because terrorists plan their attacks using internet. The continuous use of internet for long hours affects our health. It affects our eyes and cause many disorders in our body. Depression and many other psychological problems are caused by internet.
It is advisable for parents to screen how much time their children spend on the internet, and if possible set a time-limit till which they would be allowed to use the internet. Having the computer in the living-room instead of a child’s bedroom can also ensure censorship on what they are accessing on the internet. It is also important that you talk to them about ‘the birds and the bees’ because if you do not talk to them, they will turn to their friends and internet for answers which may not provide reliable information. Everything has good sides and bad sides. We need to accept the good sides of the internet and use it for good reason. That’s how we can ensure a safe life. If you can use the internet for a good reason then you will get many benefits. In my opinion, the Internet is something that we have to know, and we should know what is good and bad for us, and keep ourselves away from what can damage us in any way. There are exciting parts of the internet. There are a few disadvantages too. But after all, it is a great tool for humans. We need to use it in a good way and get the best output from it.
Published in The Daily National Courier, December, 20 2022
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