Practice to encourage personnel
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For a long time, labor has not been given its rightful position in many organizations. Many of the managements have not thought of viewing their employees as very important asserts. However, the happenings of the recent past have proven that labor force is one of the most important asserts to any given organization.
When the management lays down objectives to be achieved, it is always the employees who are expected to implement the policies that would bring the desired results. It is this work force that would be expected to turn the policies from paper to reality. Therefore, retention of employees is very important. Employees should be retained within the organization to ensure that the firm’s operations are consistent.
Employee motivation is the energy, commitment, and enthusiasm employees bring into the workplace every day. Motivated employees enjoy their jobs most of the time, are excited to complete most of their tasks to the utmost of their abilities, and are looking to learn and grow in their roles. They’re at their job for more than just a paycheck. Of course, it’s not possible for an employee to be entirely motivated every day or in every task they must complete. Even the most highly motivated employees will have down days, and filling out the expense or budget reports doesn’t usually give a lot of job satisfaction even though it’s a necessary task. But on the whole, motivated employees bring energy and enthusiasm to the workplace most days
Every manager struggles to keep employees motivated from time to time, but great managers know that employee motivation is key to overall success. . Unfortunately, most businesses struggle with how to motivate employees. While there is no single way to ensure that your employees will stay engaged and inspired, there are a few specific and effective techniques that, when implemented, can have major, lasting effects on workplace motivation and productivity.
Strategies to motivate employees:
MAKE YOUR BUSINESS A PLEASANT PLACE TO BE: No one wants to stand around in a dingy, boring space for hours on end. Having an aesthetically pleasing, well-lit, functional, and fun space makes work a lot more pleasant. The first step is to make sure things are well-kept and that you have updated, working equipment. This means switching out that Cold War-era back office computer, your glacial-paced point-of-sale system, or generally anything that people might want to throw out the window in frustration. It also means keeping things clean and nice looking.
PROMOTION IN THE PLACE OF WORK: People always feel so much appreciated if they are made to raise a step or two in their workplace. However minimal this rise may be, it would be appreciated by the employees and this would make them work harder in order to be given even higher ranks the firm. They would remain in the firm with the hope that one day they would rise to the highest position in the firm
HIGH INVOLVEMENT AND CLEAR COMMUNICATION. The management should always ensure that employees are involved. They should be made to feel that they are responsible for every task they have to undertake. This way, they would always want to see their departments excel, a fact that may make them stay motivated within the organization.
GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM: Having a one-on-one relationship with your staff members will make you more personable in their eyes, and will help you better understand your team to find what it is that motivates each person individually. Having individual relationships with staff members will also help dissolve the barrier in their minds that separates you from them. When your staff members feel they have a personal connection with you, they will be motivated to not let you down. A study by Stefan Stürmer of the University of Kiel shows that people are more likely to help out those they perceive to be “like them,” so making an effort to show you are as much a part of the team as the folks you manage will have a profound psychological effect on how they view the work they are doing for you.
DESIGN A WELCOMING WORKPLACE: Even your most motivated employees won’t stay enthusiastic for long if they’re stuck working in a dismal environment where it isn’t easy to do their job well. That can mean providing top-notch technology so employees can do their work efficiently, giving them a comfortable and enticing space to work in, and offering a full suite of benefits so they can live their best personal lives as well.
TEAM BUILDING SEMINARS: One of the best way of motivating employees and ensuring that they work as a team is by organizing team building seminars. Though such seminars, employees would form very strong bonds amongst themselves and with the firm. As such, they would not think of leaving the firm for another because the bond would always keep them together.
OFFER EMPLOYEE REWARDS: People will stay with your business if they have a reason to. So if you want to keep your good people and keep them motivated, it’s worth starting an incentive program. Maybe it’s a quarterly bonus. Maybe it’s a commission structure that’s better than the competition. Maybe it’s offering to foot the bill for additional credentials. Or maybe it’s even profit-sharing in your company. If people know they’ll be rewarded for a job well done, they’ll be 1) more likely to, well, do a good job, and 2) stay to see things through.
Success of organization will start by having employees who feel that there is need to succeed. Success can be achieved with motivated employees. Motivated employees will always work as a team and be committed to their tasks in order to foster success to the organization.
There are various ways of ensuring that employees are constantly motivated within the organization. One of the ways through which this can be achieved is through promotion at workplace. The employees feel that they are valued in the firm. Another prominent way of motivating employees is through good remuneration. This makes them feel that the firm cares for their families. Employee motivation is an indispensable aspect to success and productivity something that no amount of coffee can make up for. Following these guidelines will help you cultivate motivation and enthusiasm in the workplace.
Published in The Daily National Courier, June, 06 2023
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