Poverty – A matter of high concern
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To through down the gauntlet on poverty, I have put my pen down on this sever issue. Over the years, it has been a fundamental that might is right. Obviously, in countries like Pakistan, where is scarcity of basic necessities, like food, clothing and shelter, where is an extreme ration of unemployment, where there are pathetic politics and policy makers, where there are self-made people without government support, without financially stable background where the general public is in the doldrums. In the countries like Pakistan, which are already in a blue funk, face poverty! Poverty is the state of being poor.
We find around us hordes of people who are unable to afford the minimum necessities of life. They face the problem of getting one square meal a day. They are generally engaged in petty jobs to earn their livelihood. They lead a miserable life, which is worse than that of brutes. Lack of education compels a person for less paying jobs & it makes him poorer.
Children are said to be the nation’s future, but Children from low-income families never get proper schooling & proper nutrition. They have to work to support their family & this destroys their childhood. They remain uneducated & forced to live under unhygienic conditions in slums.
There is no proper sanitation & drinking water facility in slums & they fall ill often & their health deteriorates. Due to which they die at an early age. Ironically, it is not deniable that poverty is hunger, it is lack of shelter, it is being sick but not being able to see doctor, it is not being able to go to school, not knowing how to read and not being able to speak properly. Poverty is not having a job, fear for the future and living for one day at a time.
Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of freedom. Poverty’s effects on crime can be explained through a variety of reasons. There is a higher rate of mental illness among the poor than the rich. Poverty can lead to high levels of stress, which in turn drive individuals to commit theft, robbery or other violent acts. Moreover, poverty may lead to actual or perceived inferior education. Youth with less access to quality schools, jobs, and role models and opportunities end up spending time on the streets associating with gangs.
Crime offers a way in which poor people can obtain material goods they cannot attain through legal means. Often, threat or force helps them acquire even more goods, encouraging them to commit more violent acts such as robbery and rape. Thus, poverty increases crime Poverty is a social evil. We can also contribute to control it. We can donate old clothes to poor people. We can also sponsor a needy child’s education or utilize our free time by teaching poor students. Remember, before wasting food, somebody is still sleeping hungry. Making people suffer and forcing them to struggle to stay alive — which is what poverty does — is evil.
It’s immoral to turn a blind eye at the social and institutional maltreatment of approximately half of humanity, and to deprive fellow beings of the means to have an even halfway decent life. It’s evil. The Poverty results from collective behavior. It comes off with the societal disorder. The way we produce and distribute goods and services incentivizes dumping or ejecting the unwanted, with costly consequences in the form of social disruption and ultimately destruction. Our legal, social and economic systems are geared to optimize this way of doing things.re are major three reasons of poverty, over population, unhygienic of natural resource. In our society where there is no future for the poor.
What could have been their future has already been privatized by more powerful planners, financiers and enterprises. The poor are treated as if they had no dignity. Poverty causes many crimes, as if a person was not poor and had faith in himself, he would not face the thought that he should search other ways to get money. Being poor, which could be caused by different reasons, makes a person unhappy, incapable to earn enough money, to buy anything he wants or at least something necessary. After all is said and done, here to highlight some reasons of poverty. The effects of poverty can be mainly categorized as unemployment, illiteracy, food security, psychological well-being, increased crime rate, child health, homelessness etc. Major effect of poverty is unemployment to those without land or dependable wage labor. Poor people can rarely find permanent, salaried job in the village or even in the city. Poor people engage in informal and daily wage labor with no security and low earnings. In many cases, women are the primary sources of family income, and are engaged in all types of activities such as paid domestic work as well as informal industrial jobs, trading and service. Although, it is observed that poverty is crime’s root cause, it is considered to be absolute deprivation. In other words, absolute deprivation is the lack of the resources needed to maintain a quality life which automatically results in poverty that leads to crimes and evils.
Published in The Daily National Courier, November, 08 2022
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