NEPRA deliberates KE's tariff petitions for reliable power supply
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KARACHI: National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) conducted hearing on K-Electric's distribution, transmission and supply petitions under utility's Multi-Year Tariff for period from FY 2023-24 to FY 2029-30.
Petitions submitted highlight necessary components that will enable KE to maintain and invest for an efficient and reliable power supply to its service territory. Subject of hearing and subsequent decision is linked with price of electricity charged to customers in their monthly bill, which remains governed by uniform tariff policy which ensures equal charges across Pakistan for individual customer categories. Hearings are continuation of Multi-Year Tariff process in which regulator has issued its decisions on KE's 2 billion dollar investment plan for Transmission and Distribution and its Power Acquisition Programme to increase share of renewable and indigenous resource-based energy.
Petitions under discussion provide groundwork to secure Karachi's sustainable energy future. Under these tariff petitions, KE has proposed cost-reflective tariff structure highlighting several key elements, such as an annual and quarterly indexation mechanism to ensure that utility's tariff reflect changes in macroeconomic conditions and remain sustainable. Company is also deploying advanced, innovative technologies such as Advanced Distribution Management Systems for improved network governance. These are being coupled with initiatives to reduce line losses and power interruptions, ultimately enhancing network stability.