Nation needs tolerance

Opinion Dec, 6 2022
Nation needs tolerance
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What is the true meaning of tolerance? Is it to agree with something you may not necessarily want to agree with, or is it simply an acceptance of a viewpoint different from your own? Tolerance can be defined as a fair and aim attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from ours. It is a noble virtue. It is wanted everywhere.

It is the virtue that helps us put up with those who have different ways and opinions, and outlooks in life. It also enables us to judge the other sides of things with patience, without losing temper. Tolerance is a basic element in Islam but now a days religion has certainly become a shady money-making business that also receives political backup. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) told us beforehand that this Ummah would be divided as the previous nations were divided, as stated in the saheeh hadith: slam is the religion of tolerance and ease; it gives an ample space for freedom of expression and does not suppress people.

Islam teaches us to do our best in presenting and conveying the message of Allah to others in a decent way and to invite people towards the path of truth. After that it is totally up to them to accept or to reject the invitation but we as a Muslims are not allowed to impose our thoughts on people. In the past, the difference in religion led to prosecution, the difference in politics led to bad-blood and difference in opinions ended in blows.

Tolerance is a virtue much needed in our turbulent world. But we must recognize that there is a difference between tolerance and tolerate. A Social Virtue of Tolerance: Tolerance is the reflection of one’s own behavior and character. The level of tolerance varies from person to person and as per the situation. People have zero tolerance for injustice and violation of the rights. If we want humanity to flourish, then we need to practice tolerance from all walks of life. As tolerance is the spirit of humanity.

Real Meaning of Tolerance: Tolerance does not mean to come up against any fundamental principle. Our best self goes down if we tolerate evil. In matters relating to deeper questions and principles of life, it is our duty to stand up for them and refuse an easy compromise. But tolerance does not mean to bear up moral degradation, public nuisance acts, anti-social activities, moral corruption, wrong-doing, exploitation, and deception. Tolerance involves both humility and meekness, engaging them to say, “I am not perfect, and I am not going to try to make this imperfect soul’s walk harder through my imperfection.”

The Necessity of Tolerance: The world has not been set to one pattern nor have men been shaped in a single mold. It is essential to pull together with all in society. It helps a man win people’s minds and earn popularity with people. The difference in the environment or condition of life causes a difference in temperament and opinion.

A historical revolution has to lead diversities in outlook. Heredity is a factor not to be overlooked. Each distinctive overlook has its own background. A cultured person takes this into account, makes allowance for them and is ready to make concessions and compromise. Without this broad-mindedness, energy may get wasted in the futile argument. In this long run, mere passion never tends to any good nor solves any problem; passion has to be controlled and disciplined by reason and tolerance. But as education has spread, the spirit of reason has tended to prevail and the vice of intolerance has fairly diminished.

With the passage of time, we are becoming more ready to recognize the possibility of views than our own. We also look upon tolerance as a mark of education and superior culture of ethics of the polite society. All great men were tolerant. They learned it from their boyhood and practical life. The Holy Scripture says, “God loves him who is tolerant.” Allah says in Quran in Surah Al-Hajj, verse 67-69 For every religion We have appointed rites which they perform. So, [O Muhammad], let the disbelievers not contend with you over the matter but invite them to your Lord. Indeed, you are upon straight guidance.

And if they dispute with you, then say, “Allah is most knowing of what you do. Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which you used to differ.” In another place Allah says, in Surah An-Nahl, verse 125: Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided. We can get multiple lessons of tolerance from the life of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H).

His entire personality and life style demonstrates the patience and tolerance one must has to lead a balanced life. Jabir ibn Abdullah reported that Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H), said: “May Allah have mercy on a man who is tolerant when selling, buying, and seeking repayment.” (Sahih Bukhari). Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) was oppressed a lot by the people of Makkah and when the opponents of Prophet (P.B.U.H) increased their oppression and tested Prophet’s patience a lot then his companions asked him to curse them. And at that moment the Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied: “I have not been sent to lay a curse upon people but to be a blessing on them.” (Sahih Muslim). Islam is the beautiful religion and the religion of peace. If all the Muslim communities across the globe will start practicing the actual teachings of Islam, at that time world will get the real image of religion Islam.

Published in The Daily National Courier, December, 06 2022

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Syeda Hoor Shumail
Syeda Hoor Shumail
Contributing author at Daily National Courier. Looking after OP-ED page with diversified content on mix topics of greater interest. Also member of Karachi Union of Journalist (KUJ).

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