Modi’s anti-Pakistan and anti-Kashmiris agenda stand exposed

Editorial Apr, 17 2023
Modi’s anti-Pakistan and anti-Kashmiris agenda stand exposed
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There is no denying that truth prevails at last. The recent interview of the Held Kashmir’s ex-governor Satya Pal Malik in which he has disclosed on how the Indian PM Narendra Modi wanted shift the blame to Pakistan for the Pulwama attacks in Kashmir in 2009 is a case in point.

It is good to see that Modi’s anti-Pakistan and anti-Kashmiris agenda is being exposed by his own people. Yes, the Ex governor of the held- valley Satya Pal Malik confirms that Modi concealed the real facts on the Pulwama terror attacks that had resulted in killings of a number of Indian troopers in 2019. Satya Pal says that the attack was the result of the security lapse on part of Modi’s administration. And instead Mr Modi wanted to use the incident to blame Pakistan in a bid for the benefit of his government, the electoral benefit and the BJP.

Mr Satya Pal was the governor of occupied Kashmir during the Pulwama attack and the scrapping of Article 370 in August during 2019.

He further revealed that PM Modi had  directed him to keep quiet about the facts regarding the accidents.

On the other hand, the heinous process of eviction of  Kashmiris is continued in Occupied Kashmir besides other human rights violations and abuses.

In Occupied Kashmir, the ambitions of the Modi government are disgusting and dangerous, where non-Kashmiri Hindus are being brought and settled.

To be very specific, there is hardly any cruelty that India has not inflicted on innocent Kashmiris. August 5, 2019 was another dark day in the history of Occupied Kashmir. On that day, the Modi government abolished the special status of Kashmir.  This was the beginning of another chapter of oppression of Kashmiris. This was the beginning of a plan for an organized conspiracy, the signs of which soon began to be seen.

As a matter of fact, the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was repealed and the constitutional special status of Occupied Kashmir was abolished. Along with this, Article 35-A of the Indian Constitution was also repealed. With the abrogation of these two articles, these obstacles in the way of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the ruling party BJP and its sub-terrorist organization RSS have been removed. According to Article 35A, non-Kashmiris were prohibited from buying property in Occupied Kashmir and settling there permanently.

With these actions, the face of India’s so-called democracy was exposed in front of the world, but the world is still shamefully silent on the issue of Occupied Kashmir and Indian oppression of Kashmiris for the past seventy years. There is a slight awareness about the Kashmir cause at world level, but the world should spring into real action to save the Kashmiris.

It is worth-mentioning here that after the abrogation of Article 35A, India started its nefarious plan and invited non-Kashmiri Hindus to come to Kashmir and buy land and settle there permanently. These non-Kashmiri Hindus were also offered several concessions for settlement in the held valley.  After this invitation, millions of non-Kashmiri Hindus arrived in Occupied Kashmir and not only illegally occupied the properties of Muslims there, but also obtained official documents of the ownership rights of these lands which were previously owned by Kashmiris.

And it is being done in a systematic way. In this whole process, these non-Kashmiri Hindus also got the help of RSS goons, police and usurping Indian army. So far, about seven lakh non-Kashmiri Hindu families have become owners of lands and houses in Kashmir.  It should be noted that Muslims living in Occupied Kashmir are the clear majority there.

There were three main purposes for settling non-Kashmiris there. One, the majority of Muslims should be converted into a minority there. Second, Muslims should be deprived of their properties, homes and businesses and imposed on Hindus.

The third objective was to relieve Muslims from their jobs and give government jobs to non-Kashmiri Hindus, against the displacement of Muslims in India and Occupied Kashmir by the Modi government and illegal occupation of their homes and lands and also the sources of livelihood.

The world human rights organizations including the Amnesty International have raised its voice which is a good development. In a press briefing in Birmingham, UK, the officials of  Amnesty International urged the Indian government to immediately stop the process of demolishing the houses of Muslims in India and Kashmir and depriving them of their rights and in this regard,  deviation from international laws should be avoided.  One would appeal to the world powers and the sleeping pioneers of human rights to wake up now as Indian Muslims in Indian states of Assam and other states, and the innocent Kashmiris are being victimized for being Muslims and this discrimination against Muslims should be taken notice of at the earliest.

The Modi regime and its goons like that of terrorists organization like the RSS are becoming more dangerous for the Muslims, who are subjected to all sorts of violence and discrimination and deprived of their properties, homes and sources of livelihoods including the government jobs and businesses.

In a nutshell, the human rights abuses and the eviction of Kashmiri Muslims in held Kashmir is a known fact and time has come the world should condemn these brutal acts of the Modi government before it is too late.

Since 2019. thousands of innocent Kashmiris  have been deprived of their personal and legal homes and  displaced while the process of their dispossessions and displacement is further continuing.

The main objective is to settle Hindus in Kashmir and turn them into majority while depriving the indigenous Kashmiris of their lands. The Indian judiciary is also an equal participant in this conspiracy against Indigenous Kashmiris in the occupied valley.

And the objective behind this heinous process, is that Modi wants to change the demographics of the Muslim-majority Kashmir.

Published in The Daily National Courier, April, 17 2023

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