Long-awaited disenchanted sequel to Disney's Enchanted is released
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Long-awaited Enchanted sequel, Disenchanted, debuts on Disney+ this Friday. In order to maintain enthusiasm among viewers while they wait for Giselle and her friends and family to return, Disney has begun posting movie clips. Most recent clip, which stars Gabriella Baldacchino as Morgan and Amy Adams as Giselle is (literally) music to our ears.
As movers do their work in background, clip appears to be from beginning of film. Due to family's relocation, Morgan is having a difficult time adjusting to her new environment. Giselle expresses sympathy for her and reveals that she, too, has experienced a similar circumstance. Giselle, however, who is always source of positivity, is aware of just what Morgan needs to brighten up. Unfortunately for Morgan, she is also aware of what will happen next.
Then Giselle starts singing and despite Morgan's initial displeasure, she eventually lets herself be carried away by melody. There is still plenty of time to see if Giselle drags other people along with her because it isn't entire song. Events of Disenchanted occur 15 years after those of Enchanted. Giselle got her happily ever after, or so she believed and she is now wed to Robert (Patrick Dempsey). Family now includes a newborn child as well as a teenaged Morgan. Giselle, who has become bored with city life, decides to uproot family in quest of a new beginning. They consequently relocate to Monroeville, a suburban community where Malvina Monroe (Maya Rudolph), a resident, finds it challenging for Giselle to acclimatise. Giselle asks Andalasia for assistance in her desperate attempt to reclaim magic. Town Andalasia and Giselle's happiness all at risk if her scheme goes wrong, though.–Agencies
Published in The Daily National Courier, November, 15 2022
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