KE requests Rs10.69/unit power price increase
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KARACHI: K-Electric (KE) has petitioned government for permission to raise its power price by Rs 10.69 per unit, aiming to increase it to Rs 44.69 per unit for fiscal year 2023-24.
Proposed tariff adjustment is intended to partially offset losses and enhance working capital, necessitating increased subsidies from government to privatised entity. Spokesperson for K-Electric Ovais Munshi clarified during media briefing on petition submitted to National Electric Power Regulatory Authority that proposed tariff is for company itself and does not affect end-consumer tariffs, which will remain uniform at Rs 35.50 per unit nationwide, including for KE consumers. NEPRA is slated to conduct public hearing on petition on June 27, 2024. He explained that government would bridge gap-approximately Rs 9.19 per unit-between proposed new selling price and end-consumer tariff through subsidies. He said that earlier NEPRA had approved power supply tariff of Rs 52.22 per unit for power distribution company serving tribal areas, while tariff for Islamabad distribution company stands significantly lower at Rs 30.88 per unit due to better bill payment by end-consumers and limited line losses.