Fresh elections due within 60 days under Administrator
KCCI elections declared null & void by DGTO F

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KARACHI: The recent Elections of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry are declared null & void by Directorate General of Trade Organizations on 3rd March, 2025, and a fresh election are ordered to be conducted within 60 days under the overall supervision of the Regulator (DGTO).
The Secretary, Ministry of Commerce has been recommended for appointment of an Administrator under section 16 of the TOA, 2013 to conduct free, fair and transparent elections, while the Secretary General, KCCI is directed to immediately issue both corporate and associate class voters lists and send a compliance report in this regard within 07 days of issuance of this Order.
Failure to comply will result in further regulatory action under Section 14 of TOA, 2013, including potential suspension of KCCI’s license. Bilal Khan Pasha, Regulator Trade Organizations, Islamabad warned in his Order after completion of the hearing of a complaint filed by Arshad Khurshid and others against Javed Bilwani, President KCCI and alleged irregularities in the elections of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) for the term 2024-26.
The Regulator observed that KCCI’s intentional delay in implementing his Orders thereby deprived candidates of their right to canvas constitutes a fraudulent exercise of compliance. Mere compliance in form does not legitimize an act if its delay has already caused irreparable harm to the affected parties. Compliance with Orders must be meaningful and timely – if a lawful order is deliberately delayed to the point of making it ineffective, it is equivalent to non-compliance. KCCI’s deliberate delay in complying with the Regulator’s directives deprived the affected candidates of an opportunity to compete fairly. The delay was not just a procedural but an intentional act that undermined the electoral process. Since KCCI’s delay in implementing the Regulator’s orders directly impacted the ability of BMA Group’s candidates to canvass, the entire process is compromised and requires annulment.
The election result submitted by KCCI does not reflect distinction between corporate and associate members elected to the executive committee which is also violation of Rule 21(5)(b)(c) of TOR, 2013, the Order said.