Educational backwardness must be removed

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Every government in the past has felt the need to remove the educational backwardness from the country, but until today it could not go beyond a dream.
Successive governments have failed to address the education crisis in the country. Though the current government has brought a program to implement the educational emergency with economic reforms, yet it remains to be seen how serious it is in redressing the educational woes of the society. Like the previous government, the current rulers have alsoexpressed their commitment to bring down the school dropout rate to the minimum level by providing opportunities to every child to complete their education, with the encouragement of scholarships. And the program of giving other privileges is being introduced.
According to the Prime Minister, technology will be integrated into our educational program under a comprehensive plan. The educationists have termed it a good vision for the beloved country with a population of 25 million in the light of the experiences of China and many other countries, which after consideration from all angles, it needs to be implemented in a comprehensive manner without delay. As a matter of fact, literacy is as a basic human need and a constitutional right, and the purpose of achieving it is not just to read and write, but to become empowered, economically sound decisions. It is equally important to do and play an active role in the society. In the context of the bitter reality that currently around two and a half million children in the country are deprived of going to school due to the very low financial condition of their parents, who are deprived of education. According to the government program, providing food to children at school is important. The private sector should also come forward in this work and ensure free delivery of all necessities to poor children. A recent report says that 2 crore 62 lakh 6 thousand 520 children are out of schools across the country. This disclosure was made in a written report submitted by the Ministry of Education to the National Assembly. The Ministry of Education presented the details in the House according to which 1 crore 7 lakh 74 thousand 890 boys and girls between 5 to 9 years are out of school. 49 lakh 72 thousand 949 children (Male) and 58 lakh 1 thousand 941 girls (Female) are deprived of education. 49 lakh 35 thousand 484 children between the age of 10 to 12 years are deprived of middle education. The education sector right now it is faced with huge crisis due to lack of funds at almost every level due to economic crisis that has badly impacted almost every sector.
Though the previous coalition government had promised remedial steps for bringing education back on track, but on the ground there seem to be no steps intact which can help revive the fortunes of the education sector across the country. Education has never been a priority of our successive governments, but during the last few years, it has become extreme subject of neglect, particularly during the PTI regime. Sometime back, it was also said that plans regarding privatization of schools are on the anvil. In fact, it is not a welcome move. It means that children who were given an almost free education in public schools will now be charged from their parents the hefty fees charged in private schools, where only the children of the rich can enroll. If God willing this is done, this project will lead to the deprivation of education to a large number of children. If schools are privatized, children of the poor will never go to school and thus our literacy rate will go down further. The problem is not only the children and their education, in case of privatization teachers will also suffer from a huge problem. They will not get the only economic support of their old age i.e. pension, and for me it sounds to be extreme of cruelty. We could not find teachers, who run factories, or do they belong to this privileged class, who are provided with immense financial facilities during their employment but whatever salary and benefits they get as Govt school teachers and even after retirement, their condition is normal.
Govt school teachers are like the majority of Pakistanis, who only get two meals a day, for God's sake don't take these two meals a day from them! Our education is system is already in doldrums and such moves, it will go down to irreparable stage. Rather, we should focus on improving our education system, it is time to prioritize education sector. The education losses since the Corona pandemics have reached an alarming level and now the unprecedented economic crisis has also caused a dent to the field. The higher education has suffered the most during and after this period as it was already a subject of neglect on part of the successive Federal governments. Right now the HEC has been faced with multiple problems, the foremost being the lack of funds. The previous coalition government had promised an increase in HEC budget and the same was announced in the budget , which was greatly welcome as for the universities that are facing the dilemma of coping with their rising expenses including the 15 to 20 increases in salaries of the employees and staff. The Single National Curriculum issue is also persisting and it needs a lot of work on part of the government to redress the apprehensions of parents and other stakeholders. The previous government of PTI willfully neglected and ignored the issues raised by parents and provinces with regard to the SNC but time has come the current government must remove those issues before further educational losses occur.
As a matter of fact, it is a serious issues and educationists think that it will require a lot of time and deliberations to removes the controversial contents from the curriculum to set things right on the education front which is on the receiving end for decades under the successive governments.