Being patient enhances your personality

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Patience is considered to be highly crucial for every individual in the world. Besides, it is also stated that the people who can wait long achieve better things than those with no patience since it is impossible to acquire success in a single day.
Through Patience, an individual learns about the importance of effort and hard work and not only success. It is false to believe that everything, including happiness, can be obtained only through accomplishments. It is very crucial to have the ability to wait and trust.
The importance of patience should be realized by every individual. Patience in life can make them reach out for the stars. With patience you can avoid making hasty decisions. Life is not about living in the future or in the past. Life is about accepting the present moment. Whenever you are in any sort of trouble, people often advise you to have patience. Why, instead of advising you about the solution, do they ask you to stay calm and composed and be patient? In this modern age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get irritated very quickly over minor things like a traffic jam, stock market ups and downs, a baby crying and such things. In fact, patience is a virtue that everybody must possess. Patience makes us better people.
You have to slow down, take a deep breath and stay calm. This is a way to practice patience, which will improve your decision-making capabilities. Find your own peace of mind in a moment of patience. You have to understand that things take time. Instant gratification will never be enough, so you should learn how to develop patience. There are many benefits of being patient and in this article we will discuss the key advantages.
Having patience means being able to wait calmly in the face of frustration or adversity, so anywhere there is frustration or adversity i.e., nearly everywhere we have the opportunity to practice it. Religions and philosophers have long praised the virtue of patience; now researchers are starting to do so as well. Recent studies have found that, sure enough, good things really do come to those who wait. Some of these science-backed benefits are detailed below, along with three ways to cultivate more patience in your life.
The benefits of patience
YOU WILL HAVE BETTER MENTAL HEALTH: Just imagine how an impatient person looks, and this benefit of being patient will be clear to you. Their face is red, and they have steam coming out of their ears. However, patient people are different. A study in 2007 proved that those who practice patience tend to experience fewer negative emotions and less depression, which might be because they are better at coping with stress. Such people are also more mindful and feel more connected to the universe as well as more gratitude.
YOU WILL BE A BETTER FRIEND AND NEIGHBOR: The virtue of patience is best seen in relationships with others because it then becomes a type of kindness so one of the benefits of patience is that you will be a better friend and neighbor.
PATIENCE HELPS YOU TO BE EMPATHETIC: Building empathy towards others is very important if you want to live a hassle-free life. If you get irritated by a crying baby or a loud child playing in front of you, you must think about developing your patience. Patience helps you build empathy towards others. Patience helps us accept other people as they are and makes us tolerant. By being impatient, you suffer more than other people.
PATIENCE MAKES YOU HEALTHIER: Anger and stress are two things that are enough to ruin a person’s health. And patience is the antidote to both these illnesses. Being patient, you can overcome any challenging situation with more flexibility and in a better way. Being stress-free and happy helps you stay you healthier.
PATIENCE TRANSFORMS RELATIONSHIPS: Sometimes, in our relationships, we become defensive, irritated, and say something to hurt others. We do not realize the importance of patience and end up making hasty decisions. Whenever you feel defensive against the person, try to be patient enough to take time to think over another person’s positive qualities.
YOU WILL MAKE MORE RATIONAL CHOICES: It’s understandable that you will make better decisions when you have peace of mind. A lack of patience causes you to make choices when you are overwhelmed by emotions. You have to have self-control in order to make rational choices of how you are going to react. The virtue of patience lets you see things clearly and make a calm decision and that is why it’s important for you to learn how to develop patience.
YOU WILL BE AT PEACE: Just remember how you feel when you are impatient; it makes you feel on edge, and you don’t enjoy waiting. The best of all the benefits of being patient is that you feel at peace. The importance of patience shows in all those times when we have to wait for something. Those who aren’t patient will find waiting to be irritating and stressful. People who are patient, however, will be able to enjoy the journey that leads them to their destination. If you learn how to develop patience, you will do yourself the best favor you possibly could.
YOU WILL KNOW THAT NOT EVERYTHING IS UNDER YOUR CONTROL: Sometimes things don’t work out the way you expected and things can go wrong. One of the benefits of being patient is that you understand that not everything will turn out the way you wanted and that is when you need patience the most. This is because you have to work through some problems before you get what you want. The importance of patience shows in knowing and accepting that not everything is under your control.
“I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you’re able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something... it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.” {Joyce Meyer}
Published in The Daily National Courier, December, 17 2022
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