Behaving decently

Opinion Oct, 10 2022
Behaving decently
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Man is the brightest creation of God on the earth as he lives in society. Also, he has the capacity to think, talk and act accordingly. So, he must know how to behave well and perform good manners. Good manners are important for seeing the feelings of other people and being the kind of person that others will like and respect.

In the ‘olden days’ children were taught about the Golden Rule, “Always do to others as you would wish them to do to you if you were in their place.” This is still a good way to behave nowadays. If you are respectful to others then you are more likely to be treated with admiration by them. If you show good manners everywhere you go, you are more likely to encourage others to behave in the same way towards you.

Decent behaviors cost nothing. These are wise words that we probably remember being taught as children, and those who are now parents probably repeat to their own kids. But while these gifts are free to give, the simple offerings of being polite and kind like saying please and thank you, listening carefully, and making eye contact with people can bring huge benefits to ourselves and those around us.

Decent manners, courtesy, and etiquette are the building blocks of a healthy society. Having good manners improves how you interact with people, builds good rapport, and strengthens communication skills. We interrelate with people every day, and how we act toward them often effects their reactions toward us, whether good or bad. Beyond that, good manners are important because they inspire others to be kind and considerate. It is said that “A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait”. Hence, it is essential to have good manners to be respectful in public. We think that intelligence and money are the only ways to gain respect among people and in society, but this is a very wrong notion.

Even if one is brainy or rich or both at the same time he won’t be treated with respect if he lacks good manners and treats others well. Every surrounding demands a different set of manners and it is very important to deal with it accordingly. Manners are the way we behave with people. It is specifically the behaviour that is socially acceptable and right. It is the way you show respect for their feelings. Modesty, humbleness, kindness, and courtesy are the essential traits of a well behaving person. Hence, a well-behaved person never feels proud or arrogant and always take care of the feelings of others.

Practicing good manners and following them all through the day will definitely bring sunshine and add qualities to life. There are countless benefits of good manners, Good behaviors are important in both personal and professional life of a person. Respectable manner always starts at home. If we are good to our parents our family and siblings we will defiantly good to the strangers, and the child notices the behavior of their parents too so if the parents are behaving nicely with each other the kids will ultimately learn those good manners or bad manners.

Some parents focus on the study and grades of the children but they completely forget the righty brought up that can affect the kid’s personality. So it is the responsibility of the parents to educate the good manners to their kids so they could move in the society with a high head. Education always helps us to be technically sound in our profession or in our education. But for human interaction, we must have to be well mannered.

Our etiquettes are also judged as our degree. If we are highly educated and not good by behavior the people will raise questions against your education like they will say “what have we learned from our education if we are not well mannered” so it is the most important factor that could never be denied. Good manners speech is always part of education. Your manners are the first thing a person would consider while judging you, because it is what sets your first impression. Even in the interviews, before evaluating your communication skills and technical knowledge your manners and etiquettes are taken into consideration.

In each and every phase of life a person is going to be judged on the basis of his first impression, and it is what lasts forever in a person’s mind. Our manners introduce us to others before we speak. Nowadays, with proper learning and practice everyone can learn to behave decently, one can so easily pretend to be well mannered but the real test of being genuine comes during the trying times Life: Virtuous behaviors are very important in our daily life. The status of these in life is the well-known facts.

Good manner creates an effective interaction with friends as well as make a good impression on a public platform. It helps us to be positive throughout the day. If someone talks to us badly, then still don’t talk to him in the same way. Always talk to him in our own positive way of behaving to give him the chance to change. To survive in this modest and fast growing world wherein everything is so temporary it is tremendously vital to impress other people genuinely.  

Keeping in mind the importance and benefits of good manners, one should always try to inculcate these in his day to day life. By way of this, he would not only benefit himself but will also contribute towards a more balanced and sophisticated civilization.  Good manners should be inculcated right in the childhood. The good behavior and conduct ingrained in us from childhood seldom leave us. The traits that make up good manners help us through life. Decent conducts spread decent cheer.

People with polite and pleasant nature are always popular and respectable by a large number of people. Obviously, such people are having magnetic influence over others. Thus, we must practice and follow good manners in our life always.

Published in The Daily National Courier, October, 11 2022

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